
Training & Development

Equipping the church for the future: seminars, conferences, retreats, camps, and vocational training for pastors, lay leaders, and students.

"How can I grow and live a life of service?" - Mission Possible answers this frequent question by offering training courses, advice, and Christ-centered education.
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Training and Development
Learning to live a life of service at home, in the community, and at church.

Bible Clubs and Youth Groups

Mission Possible teams visit villages in impoverished and sometimes remote areas of Eastern Europe, arranging child-friendly Bible teaching and activity clubs for the local community. The children learn about God, scriptures, morality, and hope found in Christ. Local schools utilize Mission Possible to provide classes, teaching life skills, avoiding substance abuse, HIV, and other relevant topics.

After-school clubs, run by Mission Possible volunteers, help with tutoring, arts, crafts, and games and provides a safe and Christ-centered environment.

Vocational Training

Mission Possible Bulgaria is officially licensed to administer vocational training and certification for several professions. We can equip young men and women in employable trades like hair styling, hotel services, sewing, gardening, driving, internet maintenance, etc. Licenses are important for many but especially for the Roma.

Developing skills that allow them to work can change the long-term outcome for the whole family and the future.

Seminars, Conferences, Retreats

Multiple day and weekend events held throughout the year provide training and fellowship amongst pastors and lay leaders. Focused on equipping the church to reach their community for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Teachers are both local and international.

An online self-study course called International Educational Fellowship is also available in the Russian language.

Scholarships: Encouraging Children and Teens Towards Personal and Spiritual Development

A scholarship program called "Be an Example" helps students purchase clothes and school supplies. Scholarships are awarded each September to those who meet the requirements. Students must serve as good role models in their communities, have volunteered in church and Mission Possible's projects, and have been diligent students in school.

The program started in 2017 and has three award levels, Gold = $110, Silver = $55, and Bronze = $25.

Life-skills and Family Training

Mothers, children, and sometimes entire families come together to become better equipped in life. Mission Possible offers pre/post-natal care classes, raising children, building healthy family relationships, household needs, etc.

An opportunity to learn from each other!

Literacy Project

Mission Possible advocates literacy. Our team has monitored the Roma people's education levels for over two decades, and we provide literacy classes in situations where more assistance is needed. Our literacy experts have produced a curriculum and teaching materials in the Bulgarian language that are also appropriate for educating illiterate adults. We regularly train and equip volunteers as teachers to meet the needs of their communities.

School closures and disruptions in education occurred during the Covid-19 pandemic. Roma children were at risk of falling further behind without access to online learning. Our curriculum and materials have been distributed to local churches for the purpose of teaching children to read and write. The program is very successful, with local schools acknowledging the progress made by many Roma children.

The ability to read and write opens the world to these Romas children and gives them, and us hope for their future.

Latest Stories

Prayer – Our Bridge between Heaven and Earth

Prayer - specifically intercessory prayer - was the theme of an event organized by Mission Possible’s Bulgarian team in November at our activity center in Dobromirka. It brought together believers from all over the country who see prayer as their ministry.
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The Third Wartime Summer Camp in Ukraine

What a joy it is to see God’s work in the lives of our children! The team was well prepared. All activities and teaching during camp were purposeful in sharing the gospel, and children’s hearts were impacted,” said Tanya, leader of MP in Ukraine.
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From Pain to Freedom

The Gospel of Matthew tells the story of a woman who had been ill and suffered for a long time. She spent all she had and sought help in vain. Then, in the midst of a crowd, she reached out in faith and touched Jesus’ cloak
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It's Not Only a Meeting

It's Not Only a Meeting

Mission Possible equips the church by providing:
  • Training
  • Professional teaching
  • Community support
  • Licensing
  • Scholarships
  • Ministry guidance
  • Prayer

Eph 4:12 (NLT) "Their responsibility is to equip God's people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ."


How You Can Help

Help a child or teen from a needy family to come to a camp: $50. Read feedback from the participants here.

Fund a Scholarship: $110, $55, $25
"We are equipping local churches and believers in Eastern Europe with the work of ministry so that they can more effectively deliver the gospel message and holistic help to those who are suffering and seeking." - Ignat Ivanov