Shelter Homes
Offering shelter and support in times of crisis for children and mothers. Assistance for victims of domestic violence.
Mission Possible has three categories of shelter homes to help children and women in challenging situations. For them, these homes can change their entire life and future.
Support a shelter homePartnering with children and women who need help and shelter in Russia and Ukraine.
Homes for Children
Scattered across Russia and in Odessa, Ukraine, our shelters replicate a healthy family home. Children arrive having been subjected to alcoholic, drug-addicted, and/or abusive families. They need love, compassion, and a place to feel safe. This ministry began with our teams feeding children living on the streets; now, the police and child care authorities support our work by bringing children to us. Where possible, family restoration is the objective. Our shelter homes are available for emergency or long-term care.
In this Christian environment, children flourish, school attendance increases, physical health improves, and the long-term children have an opportunity to explore personal interests and activities.
Rehabilitation Homes for Mothers and Their Children
In Russia, there is a need for facilities where mothers can attend drug and alcohol rehabilitation while living and caring for their children. The recommended one-year program allows time for change; long-term success is often greater when families are connected. Our professional teams cultivate an environment that combines practical, social, and spiritual focus that offers a new way to live. Unaddressed needs or inept life skills are considered: healthcare, learning difficulties, psychological burdens, parenting, or household skills. Critical help is also provided in arranging identification documents, addressing legal issues, education, employment, and a place to live after rehabilitation.
Our homes provide a Christ-centered focus and are places of incredible transformation for both mothers and children.
Safe Homes for Survivors of Domestic Violence
Domestic violence is a grave problem in Eastern Europe. In Russia, our safe homes have helped hundreds of mothers and their children in emergency situations. Abuse isolates women from friends and family, leaving them vulnerable and alone. Our safe homes provide the immediate care and resources needed, a secure place to stay, clothing, food, and medical care. Attention is given to these women and children's emotional and spiritual well-being; they are often left with scars deeper than their skin.
While the family is with us, Mission Possible supports them in preparing for their future, employment, school, governmental assistance, and securing housing.
A Mission Possible safe house is a place of refuge, peace and recovery, and a door to a new life.
Latest Stories
At the end of the summer, social services asked us to take in 16-year-old Slava who was wandering around a low-income dormitory building asking the residents for food.
Slava lived with his mother in one room of the dorm, but she had been on a drinking binge somewhere for a month. The boy was sick, hungry, and despairing when he arrived at our shelter home.
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Dianan sydän janosi rakkautta. Hän oli kasvanut 3-vuotiaasta lähtien lastenkodissa ja sijaisperheessä. Rikkinäinen lapsuus oli jättänyt hänen sisimpäänsä syvän rakkauden kaipuun. Kun Diana tapasi Vadimin, hän uskoi löytäneensä rakkauden. Mies oli narkomaani, mutta Diana uskoi, että hänen rakkautensa auttaisi tätä jättämään huumeet. Lapsen syntyessä Diana edelleen toivoi, että isä perheen vuoksi raitistuisi. Mutta tilanne vain paheni.
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“Watch the new grow as the old disappears.
Don’t you see it? It’s sprouting.
See the new grow from the ashes of yesterday.
Created by our God
Is the hope of tomorrow.”
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It's Not Only a House
Mission Possible assesses individual situations and can provide additional help by:
- Parental education and care
- Arranging identification documents
- Securing housing
- Emotional support
- Biblical counseling
- Employment preparations
- Encouraging family restoration
The Gospel message to care for others is lived out in these homes.
Children are allowed to play, use their imagination, and grow in a healthy environment. At the same time, women are kept safe and are restored by God's Grace.
How You Can Help
While it is not possible to support individual children or families living in a Mission Possible Shelter Home, we do need your help.
House a child for 1 month $
Support a family going through rehabilitation $
Help a victim of domestic violence $
“The most important thing was that I got to hear about Jesus here. Conversion has been the secret of my recovery. Everyone is wondering about the change that has taken place!” - Marina, former resident of a Mission Possible shelter