Newsletter Issue 5/2019

By the end of summer, our teams in Eastern Europe were tired – but happy!
Hundreds of enthusiastic children and teens participated in fifteen camps.
In this issue you can read their feedback responses.
Going Deeper
BY ROUMEN IVANOV, Director of Mission Possible in Bulgaria

Efe is eleven years old. His name is Turkish and means “strong young man.” He is well-mannered and is gentle in character. He came to our camp for the first time this year, having heard from his brother how great it is at Dobromirka!
Efe anticipated having an enjoyable time at camp, but he never guessed he would come to know Jesus personally!
Before one of the Bible lessons, we had a time of singing and worship, as is customary. But this time nobody wanted to stop! We continued on and on and then began praying for each other.
That’s when Efe expressed his desire to accept Jesus as his Savior.
After he prayed to ask Jesus into his heart, he immediately joined in praying for those around him!
Once the children’s camp was over we held a camp for teens. Its theme was “Going Deeper.”
All our camps have spiritual goals and are not meant to be merely recreational times. At this particular camp, the idea of getting to know Jesus deeper and become His disciples was prominent.
We wanted to engage these young people in works of service and to train future leaders.
And they were ready for it!
My heart rejoiced as I saw
the spiritual hunger of these young people
and watched them pray for each other.
There truly is hope for the Church!

Notes from The Children and Teens
Elizaveta, 16, Bulgaria:
"The camps are an important part of the summer for me
because during these times my relationship
with the Heavenly Father becomes stronger.
Dobromirka is a unique place,
and everybody felt and realized how fun and good it is
to be together in the presence of Jesus!"
"After the camp, personally,
I felt like a completely different person!
In just five days there was a huge change.
I heard truths and had experiences
that I would not exchange for anything.
Thank you for providing this place!
Vadim, 15, Odessa (read his story on the bottom):
“Camp made this summer the best of my life!
I am grateful to the leaders for such a great time!
I hope to become part of their team next year!"

Gabriela, 10, Bulgaria:
"The camp was awesome!
I don't know what my summer would have been like without it.
It was great to be there with so many other children.
We became friends, learned about the Bible and God,
and sang together!"
Radostin, 12, Bulgaria:
"I liked the food, the Bible lessons, and the movies.
Campfire was very nice, too.
My very favorite part was the Night of Talents!”

Jordan, 15, Bulgaria:
"I thank God that I was able to visit this incredible place again this year.
fter camp my heart has been more open,
and I noticed that I have become more patient and grateful.
Because of this camp,
I was able to open my heart to the Lord
and He removed all my grief and pain.”
Borislav, 17, Bulgaria:
"I can only say positive things about these camps!
At camp this summer I received many blessings.
Through the wonderful teachers,
God opened my eyes to many things
and answered many questions!"
Anna, 16, Bulgaria:
"Overall, the camp was very spiritual and touching.
It made me change my attitude and way of thinking.
It motivated me to read the Bible more.
Now I read it every day and have begun to devote more time to God.
At camp I was also encouraged to share my faith with others."

Dani, 14, Bulgaria:
"I attended camp in Dobromirka for the fifth consecutive year.
This one was definitely one of the most valuable experiences I have had.
enuine friendship, never-ending games,
interesting art projects, praise and worship,
and the teaching and attention provided
by the entire dedicated Mission Possible team
made these days unforgettable.
"I think this camp left deep imprints
in the spiritual life of all participants.
I enthusiastically recommend it!!!
Heartfelt thanks to all who made this camp so awesome!”

Alexey, 16, Yekaterinburg
(He became a Christian at camp and wanted to stay for the following two children's camps to serve as a helper):
“The first two days, my only thought was how to sneak a smoke.
I got caught and was afraid that I would be sent home,
but I was allowed to stay.
I gave my pack of cigarettes away
and didn’t smoke the whole three weeks.
"Thanks to everyone who was there
who listened and supported me.
I want to go to church
and stay in touch with everyone.
Our conversations really helped me."

Dasha, 14, Yekaterinburg:
“During these three weeks I met very cool people and made new friends.
It is much more interesting to be a worker than a child!
I became convinced that God answers prayers,
although sometimes in very unexpected ways! I'm still in shock, to be honest."
"This has been a special time.
I thank God for this camp and for everyone who was there
who brought and sacrificed something to make it happen!"

Marina, 15, Ukraine:
“This camp helped me to learn about my talents,
and now I know exactly what I want to be!"
Marina is from a poor family in one of the villages of the Odessa region where we host a Bible club. She came to camp with other teens from her village.
At first she stood aside and didn’t want to talk with anyone. We were able to persuade her to participate in the performance preparations for the evening events. One night she had to serve as speaker. Although she was terribly afraid of this kind of role, she did a wonderful job and surprised everyone, including herself.
After that, she was like another girl!
After that camp we held a camp in Marina’s home village. She was actively involved in the preparations and fully committed to serving.
She is demonstrating genuine faith as a new Christian and shares her testimony with the many new friends she’s made. She is also planning to study communications with the hopes of becoming a professional speaker!
“I want to thank everyone who brought my Helen to the Lord!
She is so excited for her newly found faith and everything she has experienced.”
“I hardly recognize my daughter now!
She has changed so much. Thank you for your work!”
“I have no words to express my gratitude!
My son Alyosha really met God!
I am grateful that there are such people on earth – true believers.”
ANDREY IVANOV, Director of the work in Yekaterinburg
(see the picture above)
Our three Yekaterinburg camps were a time of huge discoveries. Friendships were formed, valuable experiences were shared, wise decisions were made, and everyone found the most important thing in life: God.
Teens came who had smoked, had done drugs, and some had been victims of regular domestic violence.
How amazing it was to see the faces
of even the eight most difficult teenagers
change after repentance!
From nasty, proud, distrustful young adults,
they turned gentle and obedient,
ready to help and serve!
Eight teenagers who had just accepted Jesus asked us, with tears in their eyes, to allow them to stay and help serve the children at the next two camps. We couldn’t say no.
All these new believers are now praying for their parents, and some have already brought them to church. A few parents came to camp and were themselves touched by God!

IRINA KALYAKINA, one of Odessa’s volunteer camp leaders
(pictured in the middle with Liza and Ruth who also served at camp)
At camp the children made gifts for their parents with their own hands.
The camp program included nightly talent shows where each group prepared skits, creative performances, and videos.
Of course the emphasis was on spiritual growth.
During the Bible lessons,
there were some children who heard
the Gospel message for the first time.
They sincerely invited Jesus into their hearts.
Most of the children’s parents are addicted to alcohol, drugs, and smoking. One of our tasks was to show the children that there is another kind of life where fun can be had without these substances.
Even after camp, our volunteers continue to work with these children and teens. We meet with them regularly to read the Bible together and pray.
BY MIRJAMI IVANOV, Editor of MP’s newsletter

We were driving with the Mission Possible team through the Turkish region of southern Bulgaria.
Along the road were the fields and cherry orchards where most residents earn their living. The people there are poor, but the misery is not as extreme as in the slum villages in the north.
Our van, packed with Baby Boxes, stopped in front of a small church. Tsonka, the contact person, was waiting for us. She had invited fifteen women who were expecting or who had just had babies.
While waiting for them, our worker Daniela talked with Tsonka:
“The mother of a newborn child often feels that she is alone and doesn’t know what to do. It is important to have someone to turn to. We come to help and bless her, without wanting anything in return. In this way, trust is built. The mothers are encouraged to tell us their struggles, and we hope they will soon bring themselves to church."
"Baby Boxes are key to reaching mothers in these villages.”
Many more people came than we expected! The room was filled with mothers, grandmothers, children, and also fathers.
Daniela began by teaching the mothers how to care for a newborn. Then we gave out Baby Boxes and prayed for the families.
In the midst of the joyful noisy crowd sat a sad-looking pregnant teenager, with her face in her hands. Daniela invited her to talk privately. Here is Denka’s story:

Every Bulgarian Roma girl has a dream: to become a beautiful bride adorned in a lovely ruffled dress and stunning hairdo, and to have a three-day wedding celebration! This is what the Roma weddings in Bulgaria are usually like. Families invest everything into them, despite their poverty.
Denka is fifteen years old. She is a pretty girl. She has quit school and is six months pregnant. A year ago she moved in with Alexander, a young man from the same village.
– He was twenty and liked me very much.
– Did you have a wedding celebration? I asked, expecting she would tell me all about her dress and the party.
– Well no ... I just moved in with his family. But now Alexander’s mother no longer wants me there. She hit me and said, “Go to your home!”
– What does Alexander do now? Does he come to visit you?
– He does nothing. He just stays at home and doesn’t want to be a father.
– But how can you take care of a child?
Denka shrugged her shoulders.
– I guess my mom and dad will help.
– Do they work?
– No.
– How does your family make a living?
– We pick cherries in the summer.
Life for so many is bleak and without purpose. Denka and other girls live in small remote villages, unhappily passing the days by watching TV. They are easy victims for jobless, unscrupulous men.
The soon-to-be-born child will have to be cared for by Denka’s mother. But what if Denka meets another unprincipled man who promises that they will get married and be happy ever after, and the cycle repeats itself?
The church is the only place where young men’s hearts and thoughts are transformed – by faith in Jesus – to walk honorably, honestly, and responsibly.
– Do you want to teach your child to know God and live according to God’s will?
– Yes, I do.
– For that to happen, it is important
that you go to church,
pray to God, and invite Christ into your heart.
Would you like me to pray for you?
When you pray, please remember Denka and other girls like her, whose lives are without purpose and hope.
We at Mission Possible purpose to help churches be light and salt in their communities.
PHOTO: Denka is waiting to receive a Baby Box from Roumen Ivanov and Irina Grigorova.

Do you remember the Ukrainian village of Paliyovo?
We have written before of how our team began organizing
Bible clubs and camps for children in this impoverished seaside village.
Vadim is a boy who lives in Paliyovo.
Read the story of how our camps have impacted his life!

Vadim is now fifteen years old. From an early age, he had no father in his life.
His mother raised him alone and had to work hard to provide for the family and afford their apartment in Odessa. Vadim eventually went to live with his grandmother and attend school in the village of Paliyovo.
We got to know Vadim through our children’s Bible club in Paliyovo.
Two summers ago he came to our camp for the first time. He was very timid and withdrawn. The Lord touched Vadim’s heart, though, and he sincerely accepted Jesus.
After summer camp we kept in regular touch with him.
Last winter Vadim moved back in with his mother in Odessa. Our volunteer helpers from the church invited him to youth group. He began attending, studied the Bible, and became more open.
This summer Vadim returned to camp. He was a completely different person than he was a year ago!
This boy who used to be so shy now exhibited qualities of a creative leader. We appointed him “captain” of the small groups and invited him to lead the evening activities. He hadn’t ever realized his capabilities and gifting!
After camp, Vadim asked if he could serve in the “day camps.” These are week-long programs where the children do activities all day, but they sleep in their own homes at night. Vadim was a tremendous help!
We look forward to seeing how God will use this talented young man.