Julia's Story: From the Anguish of Failure to a New Beginning

When Julia arrived at our shelter home in Asbest, she was a substance-abusing, withdrawn woman who had failed much in her life. The pain of shattered dreams and broken relationships weighed heavily on the 36-year-old mother of four. Her first marriage had ended in divorce, and her second husband left her shortly after their son Sasha was born.
Julia also had a bitter relationship with her mother, who accused her daughter of poor choices and compared her to her successful older sister. The criticism and expectations, which Julia could not live up to, made her feel worthless. She hated her mother.
Crushed by all this, Julia turned to alcohol. Eventually she could no longer take proper care of her children. Their distress prompted ex-husband Igor (father of the three oldest children) to intervene. He and his mother, who has always prayed much for her son’s family, arranged for Julia and her infant Sasha to reside at our rehabilitation home.
Julia gradually began to open up and share her pain. The real turning point was when she began to read the Bible and accepted Jesus as her Savior! In her fellowship with God, she found the love she had been looking for. She also found much joy in cooking for the people in the shelter home, as she had always dreamed of becoming a chef.
Julia began to understand that behind her mother’s words was a concern and love for her and her children. She found the strength to forgive, and her heart began to heal. On her birthday, Julia received a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a sincere card from her mother, which meant so much.
After one year of rehabilitation
Julia has returned home. Her relationships with Igor, her children, and her mother have a new beginning. Julia’s friends in the church have become key supporters in her recovery and growth. She has also dared to pursue her dreams and embark on a career as a chef.
Julia, with her children, is now a skilled cook and teaches mothers and children at the rehabilitation center to make potato pies.
“Watch the new grow as the old disappears.
Don’t you see it? It’s sprouting.
See the new grow from the ashes of yesterday.
Created by our God
Is the hope of tomorrow.”
May these lyrics, based on Isaiah 43:18-19, by the music group 'Exit' encourage you to trust in the God who can make things new.