It All Began One Christmas Eve - The transformation of Elena's family

A boy successfully completes a Mission Possible by holding a box of candy.
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A few years ago, on Christmas Eve, we visited impoverished families in one of the outlying villages of the Odesa region. Nearly every family was without a regular income. We brought gifts and children's Bibles and shared the gospel. The home of Elena and her four children was the most miserable of all.

Christmas gift to Elenas son









Village road

Elena had no job and ID papers, so she could not even receive social support. She drank all day. Her children wore ragged clothes, were hungry, and depended on the neighbors for help. As spring came, we felt led to start a children's Bible club in this village. The muddy road was impassable, so we had to take the train each Sunday to get there.

Elena's children always looked forward to Bible club, and her boys greeted us as we got out of the crowded train car. Alexey, the youngest, would ask, "Are we going to eat today?" We made sure to feed them before the club began.

We taught the village children what the Bible says about God, played games, prayed with them, and sent aid home for families.

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We made a point to visit Elena regularly. She was attentive to what we shared and then said, "I already read the Bible and believe in God."

Although it took time before she was willing to consider making changes to her lifestyle, she finally did. She stopped drinking, got her official ID documents, and became employed in the city! This was life-changing for the whole family. The children now had a sober caring mother and their countenances were full of joy!

The restrictions due to covid prevented us from continuing our work in the village. Ironically, when the war began, it opened the doors to us again, and we were able to bring food to the residents and visit Elena and her children. They welcomed us warmly, and the wonderful change in Elena was evident. "

Have you been reading your Bible?" I asked her.

"Of course!" she replied with a smile.

"I'm like you now!

I was baptized in the spring, I meet with the church, and I serve God!"

Praise the Lord, we had the opportunity that Christmas Eve to tell Elena and her children about our Savior's birth!

2022 6 Meeting Elena again