God's Network

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Pictured above is a team that traveled from Finland to Bulgaria this summer to serve with Mission Possible.

Some time ago, we asked friends of our ministry to send us their stories of how they became involved with Mission Possible. It’s been inspiring to read them! These letters tell us that God prepares both those who serve in the field and those who are “behind the scenes” in support and prayer.  Heres a few of them!

I learned about Mission Possible from a friend. I thought I could make a difference in someone's life. I was drawn to the baby box and the struggling mothers being helped. It's amazing how a small contribution can make just a big difference in the lives of these families.
I look forward to reading the newsletter and seeing how much Mission Possible continues working. God bless the people that care and God bless this wonderful organization.
Sincerely, Linda and Wilton Vita
I heard about Mission Possible for the first time in 2017 when I had the opportunity to serve at a pastors’ conference in Bulgaria. While there, we visited a couple of the Roma villages. I got a better understanding of MP, its roots, and its mission to Eastern Europe. Visiting the villages was impactful but what made the biggest impact on me personally was the Baby Box ministry. After returning home and praying, I rearranged my finances to make monthly donations. I’ve maintained that for over six years now and plan to continue as long as I am able.
Chuck Calhoun
The work of MP in Eastern Europe is most effective because it is run by local leaders who know the needs of their communities; they also have the strongest ability to form the connections needed to make an impact. By partnering with MP in the west, we are supporting local churches who are making a huge impact for God and for good every day in Eastern Europe. The impact of God’s work through Mission Possible is incredible, and as a volunteer and a donor, I am excited to be a small part of what God is doing in Eastern Europe from thousands of miles away.
Liam Kramer

God has a worldwide network!

Mission Possible’s teams in our target countries include 70 staff members and around 400 volunteers who assist with shelters, camps, the Baby Box program, etc. This summer, those volunteers included those from the United States, Finland, Sweden, and the Netherlands. For the second time, we organized an international youth evangelization trip to Bulgaria. The presentations, testimonies, songs, and games were a great blessing for the villages’ children and families. Many heard the gospel for the first time.

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Mission Possible – which just celebrated 50 years of service! – has required the efforts and contributions of thousands of people. We sincerely thank you for your friendship and support, and we pray God’s blessings on you as you serve in His network!