From Pain to Freedom

Counseling and Bible study program for traumatized women in Bulgaria:
The Gospel of Matthew tells the story of a woman who had been ill and suffered for a long time. She spent all she had and sought help in vain. Then, in the midst of a crowd, she reached out in faith and touched Jesus’ cloak. She did not want to attract attention, but Jesus noticed her. That encounter healed the woman and gave her a new beginning.
For 12 years now, counseling and Bible study retreats in Dobromirka, Bulgaria, have brought together women who have greatly suffered. They have experienced at least one of the following: serious illness, physical and psychological abuse, loss of loved ones, human trafficking, prostitution, or have been involved in occultism.
They desire healing for their deep wounds, but many of them bear their trauma alone, ashamed of what has happened to them. These women need a personal encounter with Jesus for healing.
They come in secret, but when they return home they openly tell their families and friends what has happened to them, and they become eager to help others.
“Do you want to be helped?”
Due to the nature of the retreat, the number of participants is limited. I meet with every applicant beforehand to rule out any substance abuse (we have a different rehabilitation program for that).
I ask them what their motives are for wanting to attend. Usually they tell me a spiritual motive first before they reveal the deep underlying problem. They must desire to receive help!
Nine days together
Each morning of the retreat begins with a prayer time together, followed by a lesson on the theme of the day, such as fear, grace, forgiveness, sexuality, etc. Each woman continues to explore the topic on her own with a Bible and a workbook. Reflections and discoveries are shared in small groups.
In the afternoons, there is time for rest and fellowship and the opportunity to meet with a professional Christian psychologist. The evenings include creative and therapeutic activities.
The hardest part
As we move to the teaching of the Cross and forgiveness, we reach the most difficult point of the retreat. These women have suffered because of the words and actions of others. They are victims who should be given apologies – but they must choose to forgive even if apologies are not offered.
Frustration and even anger at God rise to the surface. But when they surrender to God’s love and choose to forgive those who have transgressed against them, a huge victory is won, and their lives are incredibly changed.
A miracle happens every time!
The faces of the women light up
as God works in them and creates something new.
They return from the retreat to the ugly reality of life’s circumstances. But in their hearts there is a decisive change they carry with them. Women who hadn’t known Christ prior to the retreat have chosen to put their faith in Him. One new believer said:
“When I get home, I will call my friends immediately and tell them what I’ve learned.
They need to hear this Good News, too!
It was life-changing to be here!”
Marina, who was at the retreat, says:
“My marriage was a nightmare. I didn’t have the courage to say anything to my husband, lest he punish me by isolating me. I cried, I couldn’t sleep, my health deteriorated, my life was fading away. Then I found out my husband was having an affair with my sister. We divorced. My life was in ruins. I was hoping to find new strength at this retreat. But it turned out that in order to move on, I had to forgive those who had treated me so badly. I couldn’t! I was innocent! I had the right to demand just punishment for others! But when I realized that Jesus, who was completely innocent, took the punishment I deserved for my sins upon Himself, I forgave. If God has forgiven me for all my sins, I can forgive others for sinning against me. Now I am breathing freely; I am alive again!”