Children's Bible Clubs in Ukraine!

Odesa bible club 2023 05
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Odessa’s MP team leader, Tatyana Halichenko, says Bible clubs are a wonderful time for both the team and the children. They meet every Friday and Saturday in the villages of the Odessa region.

 “There are no churches in these villages. Most of the children hear about God for the first time from us. They learn to pray and apply God’s word to their daily lives. After each Bible lesson, we do crafts, creative activities, and games to develop their skills. 

“This year we have given out a lot of children’s Bibles and books about Jesus. How happy the children were to receive their first Bible! And each time we return, they are eager to tell us what they have read.

“Parents who bring their children to Bible club often stay to listen. They have thanked us afterwards for the work we do with their children, and for teaching such principles and showing love. One mother said, ‘The children can hardly wait for the next gathering, wondering if it’s Friday yet!’

“We pray for the children and families, that God will work in their hearts and lives.”

Alina Loves Bible Club:

Odessa Alina blurred“Here I Feel Happy and Safe.”

Twelve year-old Alina is one of the children who attends our clubs. She lost her mother when she was very young and her father is in prison. Alina lives with relatives and has a constant fear of being taken to an orphanage. We prayed with her about this.

“What does Bible club mean to you?” I asked Alina.

“It’s very nice here, and there are good people who make me feel happy and safe,” she replied. 

We have seen a noticeable change in her as she spends time with us in an atmosphere of God’s love, acceptance, and care. When we first met her she was very shy and would not speak in front of others. She is now more sociable and confident. It is a privilege to tell children they are loved, and it is wonderful to see the transformation in their lives as they realize it!