A Young Woman came to Church for the First Time.

A group of women standing around a box with a baby in it.
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This story was written by Roumen Ivanov, MPBulgaria Director.

It was our first time having a Baby Box distribution at this village church on the outskirts of Straldza in south-eastern Bulgaria. Mothers and their children were gathered, Baby Boxes were stacked at the front of the meeting room, and the atmosphere was expectant.

I welcomed everyone and shared some thoughts I had in my heart about motherhood. I told how God had entrusted this precious and vital role to each one of them. A Baby Box was opened so the contents could be displayed and explained. Before distributing them, though, we shared the wonderful message of God’s greatest gift – Jesus! – and how He came to save each one of them that would receive Him.

It was then time to hand out the packages. One by one mothers with their babies came forward for their Baby Box, and we prayed for them.

The last to come up was a young mother who had been in the back with her baby. She told me she was attending church for the first time and would like to accept the gift of God’s Son! 

Tears ran down her cheeks as we prayed for her. She quietly began to pray with us and asked Jesus to be her Savior!

Now the young mother’s face beamed with joy. She had received abundantly: a box of baby clothes, essentials, and the greatest gift of all: salvation through faith in Jesus Christ and the hope and comfort He alone offers.

A BabyBox and youth event organized by Mission Possible.  This is an opportunity to invite new families to the church.
A BabyBox and youth event organized by Mission Possible.  this is an opportunity to invite new families to the church.