"A Box Full of Blessings and Prayer"

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“Every time we fill a Baby Box we pray that it will go to those who need it most, and we ask God to use it to bless families and lead them to Him. We confidently testify that He hears our prayers!”

A childless woman asked for a Baby Box.

About a year ago we were distributing Baby Boxes in one of the churches we collaborate with, and the last person in line was a woman who wasn’t pregnant and didn’t have a baby in her arms like all the others. She tearfully told us that she and her husband have been married for seven years and couldn’t have children. But she believed that if she could receive a Baby Box in faith, God may have mercy on her and give her a child.

She was so disheartened and inconsolable that we couldn’t help but give her a box. We prayed with her that God would answer the cry of her heart.

A few months later the pastor of that church called and told us the woman had joyfully experienced what she considered a miracle: she was expecting a baby! She and her husband welcomed a sweet baby boy into their family and named him Bozhidar, “God’s gift.” What an amazing answer to prayer!


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“I want a box full of prayer and blessings, too!”

Stefi, 17 years old, is one of many who has become a mother at a very young age because of Bulgaria’s Roma tradition of early marriage. We have distributed several Baby Boxes through the small church in her village. Stefi was nine months pregnant and asked the pastor’s wife is she could be the recipient of a Baby Box. She very much wanted one before delivering her baby. We took the box to her and asked why it meant so much to receive one. 

“A friend of mine got a BabyBox seven months ago and she said it was full of prayers! She felt that people had prayed for her and the baby because so many blessings came into the family's life: labor and delivery of her baby went smoothly and her whole family came to faith in Jesus!”

Stefi needed clothes and supplies for her child, but even more, she wanted to experience the power of intercession and the love that was packed in this box! Faith and sincere prayers can change the lives of families!

Mother with
Stefi, a soon-to-be mother, was happy to receive her Baby Box.

“It’s amazing to know that all of us, workers and supporters alike, are part of God’s plan. I ask you to please continue your involvement in the Baby Box project so that we can share the gospel and bring blessings to many poor and hopeless people!” – Mila Ivanova

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Our team member Mila (left) and helpers from the Baby Box project in Bulgaria