A village we know in Bulgaria suffered badly: We help those who lost their homes

A group of people accomplishing a mission on the roof of a house.
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2022 09 Slatina 3In early September, parts of Bulgaria experienced heavy rains and flooding; water levels rose as high as six feet! The village of Slatina, where Mission Possible has been working for ten years, was particularly affected.
The village was devastated by torrential rainfall, a mudslide, and everything those elements uprooted and moved. Thankfully there were no fatalities. However, some families lost their homes, while others suffered heavy damage from this natural disaster’s power.
I had seen pictures of the aftermath, but the reality seemed harsher as our team assessed the damage in person. The flood waters moved so much soil away that a ravine was created through the middle of town. The road was covered with tree trunks, branches, debris, and household possessions. The villagers attempted to pile it all in heaps, so the road was passable, but the destruction stretched for miles.

Famly in Slatina
In June, we delivered a Baby Box to this family. In their tidy home was a Bible, which they read every day. This is one of the families whose home was destroyed in the mudslide.

Mission Possible’s team in Bulgaria coordinated relief efforts immediately. We took clothes and food to the villagers. With winter quickly approaching, the families who lost their homes were in dire need of getting roofs over their heads again. We purchased two houses in the villages for two families to move into, and another couple of families moved in other housing we provided. We hope to repair much of the damage.
Funds and supplies have come from churches, individuals, and a construction company, in addition to the $15,000 MP has been able to contribute, thanks to all our supporters!
Slatina is still in need of much help.

2022 09 Slatina 2

While this article was being written, MP’s team of volunteers made preparations for relief and reconstruction.

You can help by designating a gift to “Bulgaria Flood Relief.”

Thank you for your help!